
Hormone Restoration Therapies with Natural (Bioidentical) Hormones

There are many different kinds of physical hormone therapy (bio-H.R.T.) That function in various ways.

Natural Hormone Restoration Therapies

  • Disappearance of menopausal symptoms (headache, hot flashes, sweating, insomnia, irritability, depression, hair loss)
  • No side effects
  • Prevention of Osteoporosis
  • Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases
  • No chemicals
  • Weight management
  • Hormones Identical to human, with the exact same composition and structure


What exactly are “Natural (Bioidentical) Hormones”?

Natural hormones are processed in the laboratory and have the same molecular structure as the hormones produced and used by our body. In contrast, synthetic hormones are deliberately different.

Pharmaceutical companies cannot patent a physical structure, as is the case with synthetic hormones.


Natural hormones act in our body, just like the hormones we produce.

Micro-modified natural estrogen and progesterone is a series of products, constructed in specialized pharmacies. It is available in various forms, such as pills, drops, patches, creams, gels as well as in various intravaginal preparations.

Natural progesterone can be administrated in the form of a capsule or a vaginal gel, a cream, drops or even suppositories. There is also natural testosterone in the form of drops, cream, gel or tablets.


What are the advantages of natural hormones over theis synthetic counterpants?

The great faze of natural (bioidentical) hormones is due to the fact that our body can metabolize them, as it is designed to do with its own, without zero side effects.

Synthetic hormones on the other hand are quite potent with side effects. They are inflammatory (increasing the inflammatory value CRP) as opposed to the natural ones, which are anti-inflammatory and therefore anti-aging.

Natural (bioidentical) hormones bind to our hormone receptors, just like the key fits to its lock, thus giving an immediate effect unlike conventional hormone replacement therapy, where synthetic hormones are “poured upon” the hormone receptors, but also bind on other steroid receptor sites, resulting in a host of side effects.

Another great advantage of natural – bioidentical hormones is that their levels are measurable, so  they can be monitored more accurately, with blood tests and even more accurately, when the levels are tested through saliva sample.

There is no better proof of safety for the natural hormones than pregnancy. The hormonal process in pregnancy is extreme. Estrogen levels increase tenfold, progesterone 100%, growth hormone and testosterone increase by 20%.

And of course estriol, the hormone that increases during pregnancy and is a key ingredient in natural estrogen preparation, has been shown to be extremely safe for breast cancer.


Treatment (Protocols)

Hormone dysfunction in patients with Chronic and Autoimmune Diseases is almost always observed. After relevant examinations that include Bio 4h Hormonal Profile, the special needs of each individual are detected.

The tests are affordable and the results are ready in two to three days.

The treatment is selected throughout various Bioidentical Hormone Protocols and then individualized based on testing and clinical assesment.

Treatment with natural hormones, depending on the disease, the extent of the damage and individual findings, can take from three months to a year for full clinical restoration.

Patients do not change their daily routine, while they gradually experience an improvement in their overall health and vitality.

These clinical therapies have been used systematically since 1993, starting in the United States.

These treatments have been systematically used have been used systematically in clinical practice since 1993, starting in the United States.


Action of Physical – Biomimetic Hormones

Estrogen (all three forms, estrone, estriol)

  • Reduces LDL and prevents its oxidation.
  • Increases HDL that has a protective effect
  • Reduces Lp (a)
  • Reduces atherosclerosis
  • Reduces the risk of colon cancer
  • Acts as a natural calcium inhibitor to keep the arteries open.
  • Helps in the formation of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which reduces depression, anxiety, irritability, and sensitivity to pain.
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Enhances Mg absorption
  • Improves vessel elasticity
  • Helps to maintain memory and concentration
  • Maintains bone density and collagen
  • Protects against macular degeneration, cataracts and hearing loss
  • Increases the metabolic rate, resulting in proper weight maintenance
  • Reduces Homocysteine
  • Reduces inflammatory responses and free radicals
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 50%



  • Balances estrogen levels
  • Increases the action of thyroid hormones
  • Has a diuretic effect
  • Has antidepressant and sedative action
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Improves sleep
  • Helps to maintain oxygen in cells
  • Helps morning awakening and vigilance
  • Increases metabolic rate
  • Reduces cholesterol and increases HDL levels
  • Offers a protective effect against breast cancer and fibrocystic breast disease
  • Offers a protective effect against endometrial cancer, polyps and hyperplasia
  • Offers a protective effect against ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer
  • Increases the action of the immune system
  • Prevents migraines
  • Enhance smooth muscle fibers relaxation the smooth muscle fibers
  • Stimulates the bone production
  • Reduces the low blood sugar symptoms and the need for sweets and carbohydrates
  • Reduces the breast pain (mastodynia) and the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome



  • Reduces bone damage
  • Reduces body fat
  • Increases norepinephrine in the brain
  • Helps to maintain memory
  • Increases strength and muscle mass
  • Increases muscle tone
  • Increases self-confidence and well-being
  • Improves the balance and hand-edge coordination
  • Enhances the production of the nitric oxide (NO) production resulting in dilated blood vessels



  • Reduces allergic reactions
  • Reduces cholesterol blood levels
  • Reduces deposition of fatty acids
  • Reduces triglycerides
  • Increases muscle mass
  • Increases brain function
  • Prevents blood clots
  • Enhances weight-loss
  • Reduces insulin resistance
  • Has antistress properties
  • Strengthens immune system



  • Improves sleep patternts
  • Increases energy and vitality
  • Can boost your mood
  • Increases stress resistance
  • Facilitates GABA (neurotransmitter) to enter the brain
  • Reduces the pain and inflammation
  • Enhances memory
  • Strengthens the immune system




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