Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are infections that are transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Frequent sexual intercourse and sexual intercourse without the use of a condom increase the risk of developing a sexually transmitted disease.

Occasionally there may be no symptoms at all, with the result that the disease is transmitted by seemingly healthy people unaware that they have been infected. Nevertheless, the main symptoms of STDs are:

  • Sores, rashes or lumps in the perinatal area, in the mouth or in the rectal area
  • Stinging or pain during sexual intercourse (insomnia) or urination
  • Bad breath, secretions from the vagina and penis and vaginal bleeding
  • Abdominal pain and swelling in the lymph nodes
  • Fever and rash that develop on the hands, feet and torso


Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

  • The use of a condom during sexual intercourse.
  • Good hygiene of the genital area.
  • Smoking cessation, as smoking suppresses cell-type immunity.
  • HPV vaccination. It is a method of primary prevention against HPV and is prescribed.


Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

In case of suspicion a sexually transmitted infection, it is necessary to consult a doctor, in order to diagnose the disease early and then administer the appropriate treatment. Also, the sexual partner needs to be checked in order to stop the vicious cycle of re-infections in the couple.

Common diagnostic methods that need to be performed include clinical examination, fluid culture, blood tests, colposcopy, proctoscopy, and Pap test. Modern Medicine can, today, offer a plethora of new tests, which provide the possibility of detailed detection of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, even when they are latent. These are the following:

  • Bio type exams 4h,
  • DYSIS digital colposcopy
  • THIN PREP pap test
  • HPV DNA test


The Therapeutic Approaches to Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Diagnostic methods and therapeutic approaches are individualized according to sex, age, size and number of skin lesions, as well as based on the respective infection. For example, acute warts can be removed with CO2 Laser and Cryotherapy. Elimination of skin lesions is performed in a single session, without pain.

To eliminate the skin lesions of Infectious Terminus, the main therapeutic method is the extraction of the particles by crushing the lesions with forceps, and more rarely, CO2 Laser, Cryotherapy or Diathermy can be performed.

In other cases, depending on the sexually transmitted disease, the use of topical treatment, antibiotics or antiviral drugs may be recommended.


The importance of strengthening the immune system to eliminate relapses

When the body’s immune system is weakened, there is a risk of recurrence and re-infection, because in most cases the pathogenic microorganisms from which the patient is infected remain inactive, in a “latent state”. But when the immune system is supported, inflammations can be controlled and relapses are rare.

Nowadays, specialized tests exist that accurately “capture” the state of our immune system and help detect the presence of inflammation, which interferes with the proper function of the immune system.

Based on the diagnostic findings, individualized treatment protocols are developed, which can help strengthen the body’s defenses. These protocols may include the administration of micronutrients, the hormonal recovery of the body with Natural “Biomimetic” hormones and the adoption of a Therapeutic (Molecular) diet.

With these methods, the patient’s immune system is strengthened and the possibility of recurrence of STDs and clinical lesions is significantly reduced. In any case, the treatment can be considered complete and successful after eight months have passed, without recurrence and the appearance of new lesions, according to a protocol.